Conservatism, Constitutionalism post-World War II, and today: Is there a difference?  Unless you have lived in a world devoid of contact with people and containing no internet, printed news, books, television, or politicians, you would say ABSOLUTELY! 

However, in my conversations with people, some of whom claim to be Constitutional Conservatives, I am convinced that an extensive world of delusion exists.  The demonstrated hatred for and even from those who are genuinely trying to advance constitutional and conservative values and agendas is more than disturbing; it is incomprehensible. 

The post-World War II era is dramatically different today from what it was in the first few decades after that war. Both major political parties are substantially different.   In the aftermath of WWII, many Democrats espoused the Constitution and even held conservative values and principles.   On a national level, that is nonexistent today.  No, I am not saying every person in America who views themselves as Democrat fully embraces the Leftist, Liberal, Socialist, Progressive, Globalist, and Anti-Constitutional American views and values, but many do. 

I am saddened when I talk to people whom I love and respect who find it impossible to separate themselves from their party even when their party abandons their core values. They vote Democrat simply because they have always been Democrats.  Yes, there are Republicans in that same boat, but there is a significant difference in the core planks of the two parties, in my view.

The post-World War II American Conservative movement was staunchly anti-communist, pro-life, pro-America, and pro-national Sovereignty. It was rigidly against Big Government, pro-limited spending, and anti-taxation to the excess and extreme of today’s government. That era was surprisingly tolerant of opposing views, as open debate was not only allowed but encouraged. 

No, they did not bend on their core values and principles, but they listened to the other side to see if there was a workable compromise or common ground upon which to build. Today, that has taken a 180-degree turn, and those on the Liberal Side of the Aisle are viciously intolerant of any view that is not in harmony with their own. 

The conservatives of the post-World War II era were not afforded the media coverage we have today, albeit largely negative. There was no Fox News or the various outlets afforded to conservatives today to articulate our views and argue our core values. They were not concerned about positioning themselves to be acceptable to the media; they believed what they believed, worked to see it become reality, and worked, often behind the scenes, to achieve the Constitutional Conservative Agenda. 

Today, far too many are more concerned about ratings and being liked than advancing genuine constitutional and conservative principles and agendas.  Identity politics and ideological agendas that result in propaganda are the norm rather than reporting the news and seeking what is best for All Americans.  Our modern America is divided more than any previous generation.

I am disturbed that many so-called conservative voices in today’s world engage in theatrics for personal gain and media acceptance rather than advancing constitutional and conservative values.  After all, in the world of media, theatrics pays.  I don’t mind some theatrics because that can be a tool to garner the public’s attention and interest.  But when it becomes nothing more than theater, I lose interest.  I want issues, not rhetoric and solutions, rather than innuendos.

America was once a nation founded upon the ideals expressed and espoused by the founding fathers as they issued the Declaration of Independence.  Those views, deemed to be ‘self-evident,’ included the belief that “All people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” 

The many quotations from the Bible and the unmistakable evidence that the Ten Commandments provided guidelines in establishing our judicial system reveal the mindset of the founders and the colonists in the late 1700s.  Sadly, those values have been eroded, and today’s America is often devoid of those moorings.  We are adrift in our own agendas, greed, selfishness, and personal biases.  We are watching our Republic drift far from our intended direction.

Can we see our Republic restored?  Can the Constitution return to its rightful lofty prominence and authority in America?  Can we move beyond personal preference and return to the conviction that Freedom of Speech must be prized and protected?  Can we return to allowing people the freedom to pursue their dreams and reap the blessings of entrepreneurial investment with dedication and diligence?  Can we become the United States of America again?

  • I believe we can, but only if we return to our founding principles, restore our moral moorings, and return to viewing the two-parent family as a condition that betters society. 
  • I believe we can if those of us who are believers make 2 Chronicles 7:14, the Golden Rule, and God our pursuit. 
  • I believe we can if we allow differing opinions to be expressed, discussed, and debated without vitriolic hatred prevailing. 
  • I believe we can if we will set our hearts to do what is right and return to giving oversight to the government. 

I ask that you become involved in the process, give input to your elected officials, pray if you believe in God, study what is truly happening, evaluate the facts, refuse to allow hyperbole and hysteria to drive your decisions, and Vote in every election with an informed mind.

America is a prize worth fighting for.  I stand for Faith, Family, and Freedom!   God bless you, and God bless America!

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