I remember a few years ago, there was the saying, “Chivalry is dead.”  Today, we’ve been told that we’ve seen the end of conservatism and are not in the enlightenment of progressivism.  I echo the words of one of our founders, a profoundly religious man, Benjamin Rush: “Patriotism is as much a virtue as justice and is as necessary for the support of societies as natural affection is for the support of families.” 

I ask you to consider his words, and as you do, I believe you will realize that in the minds of our founding fathers, the commitment required in a patriot was considered so vital that they could not envision a successful, free America without it.  Today, we are castigated for standing for liberty and freedom.  Today, preachers are told to remain silent in the pulpits. Churches are barred from participating in the political process. Yet, groups like the New Black Panthers, Media Matters, Society for the American Way, N.O.W, Acorn, BLM, Antifa, and multitudes of other left-wing organizations, including those of a religious nature, are not only given a pass but encouraged to organize, promote, and wage war to push the Progressive, Socialist, Left-Wing Agenda.

The Founders stood in open resistance and rebellion when they faced a comparable situation in the days of this nation’s founding.  We dare not become silenced in fear of reprisal from a tyrannical government.  We dare not allow those who desire the destruction of the core values of the Bible and the American people to be eroded to the point of extinction.  We dare not become intimidated by those who push their anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-freedom agendas and follow meekly like sheep to the slaughter.  

It is time for us to stand up for Freedom and say No to their agenda!   It is time that we stand and do whatever is necessary to reclaim this great nation, restore her honor, and send a loud and clear message to Washington that we, the people, have had enough!

If you share this view, please become engaged and participate in the reclaiming effort to send every politician home who does not support the Constitution as it is written.  Oust all of those who do not honor the core values and principles that this country was founded upon.  Demand that they respect the will of ‘We the People.’  November is coming, and it is up to you and me to get the vote out and get the message across!  Let me use the cliché – Remember November!

Germane to this discussion is the question, “What Role Did Religion Play in the Founding of Our Republic?”  I cannot enumerate the number of times I’ve been told to keep my faith and politics separate.  I am told that they go together like oil and water.  Yet, the more I study the American Revolution and the role of the ministers, churches, and Christians, I find that argument invalid.  If you have studied Colonial History, you have no doubt seen just how active the preachers and churches were in the process.

I don’t believe that anyone can factually argue that the colonists, patriots, politicians, or ministers of that era believed that religion had no place in the political arena.  Preachers far and wide preached from their pulpits the righteousness of the cause of the revolution.  Today, they’d be told (unless they are on the left) that they would lose their status by doing so. 

There was no Internal Revenue Service then.  There should not be one now, but that is another topic for another debate.  The ministers of the revolutionary era assured the people that resistance to tyranny was a righteous cause and effectively built a fire of patriotism in the hearts and minds of most colonials.  Ministers served as military chaplains, penmen for committees of correspondence, and members of state legislatures, the constitutional convention, and the National Congress.  Some even took up arms and led troops into battle.

  • Jonathan Mayhew, pastor of the West Church in Boston, wrote and preached about the Crown’s diabolical nature and God’s desire for all men to be free. 
  • Peter Muhlenberg, called “The Fighting Parson,” threw off his clerical robes after a fiery sermon concerning the revolution, donned a military uniform, and led troops into battle. 
  • James Caldwell, a Presbyterian minister in Elizabeth, New Jersey, was one of many chaplains in the army. 
  • John Witherspoon was possibly the most important “political parson” of that era. He represented New Jersey in the Continental Congress from 1776-1782 and signed the Declaration of Independence while preaching in support of the cause. 
  • Even Quakers who called themselves “Free Quakers” took up arms.

Anyone who assumes that the founding fathers and the religious leaders of that day wanted to keep religion out of the political arena is ignoring the facts. It is beyond my comprehension why preachers today shy away from speaking out in support of truth, standing for biblical principles, and standing against those things that directly conflict with the Bible. 

There is only one way to silence me, and unless God tells me to stop speaking out, I will continue to proclaim the message of Christ, the Love of God, and the cause of Liberty and Freedom. I am not a cat, and I do not have a bunch of lives. I have a LIFE, and it is the sum total of everything that touches me, and politics touches me too.

So, I plead for everyone to stand up for the right and biblical principles in this day and join in the fight to restore America and keep those who would destroy her from succeeding.  If we do not unite and stand firm, America, as the founders intended and as we have enjoyed and desired, will be no more!  Never be ashamed of your patriotism; stand for Faith, Family, and Freedom! 

God bless you, and God bless America!

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