I have grown tired of hearing about the supposed “code words” that conservatives use for their supposed racist comments.  I truly believe that has been nothing more than a desperate attempt on the part of the left to pervert the thinking of those who do not think for themselves. 

I say that because if a person used any rational cognitive ability, they would realize that people often say what they really mean.  They are candid rather than attempting to convey a message via some cleverly devised code.  If the Conservative Politicians are using “code,” I must have missed the memo because I do not know the code, especially the code that the racist, radical left suggests has been used.   If they were using code, the message was lost on most of us.

However, for over 50 years, the radical left has been using words to hide who they really are.  If they were to identify themselves as “Socialist” or “Communist,” they would be rejected by many who now support them because they are Democrats. 

The Leftists have transitioned from being identified as Socialists or Communists to being known as Liberals.  Then, when that became too closely identified with the ideology of Socialism, they transitioned to the new self-description of being Progressive.  If we look at the agenda and ideology of the Socialist, Marxist, Communist, Liberals, and the core Democrat Party, we will find that the modern Progressive stands for the same things.  A rose by any other name is still a rose, but in this case, I would not call it a rose. Being a Christian, I will not use the terminology that really describes it.

Let me give you a quote, and you tell me what you think of it:

“America is like a healthy body, and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life.  If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.”  

What do you think of that?  Does it change your view when you discover that the author of that statement was none other than Joseph Stalin?

The dedication page of a book that Barack Obama used to teach A.C.O.R.N. Community Organizers contains the following incredible statement:

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history… the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”

That is the dedication made by Saul Alinsky in his guidebook, which Obama used, believed in, and taught from! But former President Obama is not the only Leftist who ascribes to the Alinsky philosophy. The list is too lengthy to enumerate.

The Progressive movement originated with the father of Communism, Karl Marx.  From those roots, we now have new elements after new elements, organizations, and groups arising with the same ultimate goal in mind.  Mr. Al Gore’s book regarding Global Warming is deeply rooted in forming a tyrannical world government that will control everything. 

The Progressives have sought to control Education and the EPA, destroy the family, and ultimately are at war with God.  They know that they must dethrone God in order to enthrone man.  I am driven to expose them for what they are and pray that the American people will awaken out of sleep before it is too late!  We are losing our country rapidly, and they are pushing all their chips to the center of the table and going “all in.” Therefore, we must also go “all in” if we are to stop them or at least slow them down enough to allow the country to recover and survive.

The questions for each of us are “How Committed Are We to Saving America?”  “How Committed Are We to God and His Purposes?”  Our answers cannot be in words alone but in the total commitment of all we are and have!  That is why I am so motivated and believe my efforts in this political struggle are also spiritual and directed by the Holy Spirit.  As long as I have breath in my body, I will fight for my country, my faith, and the purposes of God.  That is why I continually plead for everyone to become involved and vote!

The Founding Fathers would oppose the socialist trend that America is taking. Our first President, George Washington, said: “The Constitution that we have is an excellent one if we can keep it where it is.”  I cannot fathom how anyone could deny that we have an “out of control” Federal Government today.  It has grown into a self-feeding monstrosity that is placing a burden on the present and future generations that is unsustainable and shows no signs of being willing to change. 

The Founding Fathers’ grievance with the British Crown was, “They are taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our government.”  I shuddered when Obama declared, “We are five days from fundamentally transforming the United States of America!”  Isn’t that what the Founding Fathers complained that the British Monarch was doing?  Now, the Biden administration is Obama on steroids.

The Left desires to transform America radically and fundamentally.  That must be viewed based on their actions and rhetoric.  They believe in “redistribution of wealth,” a Socialist /Communist philosophy.  If you examine the very words, you will find that he believed that “socialism” was a stepping stone to “communism.”

The Founding Fathers designed the Constitution to prevent “power” from being ripped from the hands of the people and placed in those of a few or one.  In those countries where socialism and communism are the governmental model, the power has been stripped from the people and placed in the hands of a few or one despot who reigns in tyranny.  We endured the Czars of Obama and now the underhanded actions and edicts of Biden.  They attempt to bypass Congress and subvert the Constitution.  They desire to transform us into a globalist nation and strip our inalienable rights, liberties, and freedoms from us.  Tyrannical Rule by the “Elite Ruling Class” who, in their view, know what is best for us better than we that is their objective.

Our Founding Fathers pledged their lives, fortunes, and honor to establish and defend our liberty, so the pertinent question is, “Are we willing to do the same?” If so, then each of us needs to get up, get busy, get involved, and vote the followers of toxic liberalism out of office and replace them with someone who will follow the original intent of the Constitution and the Rule of Law. 

We can only win if we refuse to give up and are willing to give our all to secure freedom and liberty.  May God watch over each of us and bless America again!

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