As I type these words, I realize that social media and those with their heads buried in the proverbial sand will scream – ‘Conspiracy Theory’ and dismiss what I am saying.  They will not listen to the entire postulation.  Ecclesiastes 12:13 advises to ‘hear the conclusion of the whole matter.’ 

We have verified reports that there are military-age men from Syria wearing expensive tactical gear showing up at the southern border.  They declare that they are not refugees or asylees but are here searching for jobs, and they love America.  Wow!

I have some deep concerns about military-age men in military tactical gear seeking access to our Republic.  Some former FBI agents have declared the situation a National Security threat, and I agree.  We have known for quite some time that there are thousands of military-aged Chinese men entering the U.S. at our southern border.  Many of those have known ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). 

As of April last year, there were almost 10,000 known encounters with Chinese military-aged men.  We know approximately 5.4 million Chinese nationals were in the U.S. in 2021.  How many more have poured into our nation unchecked and unvetted?  What we have at the border has surpassed a crisis and morphed into an invasion where people from hostile nations are allowed free access to our Republic.  How can that not cause concern?

The reports from Homeland and the Border Agencies reveal that thousands of migrants are entering the U.S. each month.  It is not a regional situation, but those flooding into our country are from all over the world, with a significant increase from hostile nations. 

Are those coming doing so with the intent to ‘do harm,’ or are they truly asylum seekers seeking a safe environment in which to live?  Let me make this observation, and you weigh it and determine if it is valid. 

Scenario:  “China invades Taiwan, and the U.S. intervenes in some measure.  How much damage could young Chinese men of military age do to our military and civilian infrastructure?  What about those who come from countries that endorse, embrace, and espouse Jihadism?  How many are here, what do they have in their arsenals, and what access do they have to our infrastructure? 

Let us take it beyond terrorism or military-style intervention against us.  What about changing the population dynamics and shifting the Red States to Blue via increased Census tabulations, which could be used to count illegals for political purposes?  A 15% increase in population in the U.S. could affect that change. 

I contend that America is being destroyed from within, and the Biden administration is complicit in that endeavor.   The reports are that the megachurch shooter in Houston was transgender and may have been an illegal from El Salvador.  How many others fit that bill?  We are being invaded, and there is no objective plan to deter the flood and restore security at the border.  We need a massive shift in the occupants of the various offices in Washington, DC.

The insanity is not limited to the southern border. Recently, San Francisco, California, appointed a non-citizen to its election commission. Yes, you heard me: a non-citizen (who has or should have no legal right to vote) on the election commission in San Francisco. That is beyond insanity; it is duplicitous and borders on treason. 

We have documented evidence that non-citizens have been voting in our elections since 2008 and probably beyond.  I agree with House Speaker Mike Johnson that the border debacle is, in part, designed to add Democratic voters to the voting rolls.  Before you call me a conspiracy kook and dismiss me, let me quote Joe Biden, vice president, in 2016.

“You know, 11 million people live in the shadows. I believe they’re already American citizens. Teddy Roosevelt said it better: “Americanism is not a question of birthplace or creed or a line of descent. It’s a question of principles, idealism, and character.” These people are just waiting for a chance to contribute fully. And by that standard, 11 million undocumented aliens are already Americans, in my view. All they want — they just want a decent life for their kids, a chance to contribute to a free society, a chance to put down roots and help build the next great American century.”

The eleven million are more likely 30-40 million and growing exponentially monthly.  Yale University and MIT estimated that in 2016, there were upwards of 22.1 million illegals in the U.S.

I cannot embrace the explanation of the border debacle as mere incompetence and senility by a rapidly declining old man (Joe Biden).  This is not new, and it has all the earmarks of being a designed attempt to bring down the Republic and complete the fundamental transformation advocated by Barack Hussein Obama when he first became president. 

The globalists, jihadists, Islamists, and communists who would like nothing better than a defunct and dismantled United States of America are actively working to bring this about.  Complicity, either by diabolical intent or incompetence by the Left, is not a matter we can leave unnoticed and unaddressed.  Our Freedom and our Republic is hanging in the balance.  What we do in 2024 will go a long way in determining our fate as a nation. 

I will stand for Faith, Family, and Freedom and vote accordingly.  I will also pray accordingly.  I ask that you do the same.

God bless you, and God bless America!


  1. boromax says:

    Frustrating. The same people who will not accept this is an invasion, at the same time think Jan 6 was an insurrection.

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