I saw a report that Leftists George Stephanopoulos was surprised by Nancy Pelosi’s totalitarian statement about States being able to overrule the Constitution.  We should all be surprised at that type of Constitutional ignorance, but I am not.

I say Constitutional ignorance with ‘tongue in cheek’ because I am convinced she knows better.  I am equally convinced that since it enhances and facilitates their objective and agenda, she would make that ludicrous assertion. 

The Constitution lists three requirements for a person to be president of the United States of America.  One has to be a natural-born citizen of the USA.  They have to be at least 35 years of age.  They must have been a resident of the USA for 14 years.  That is a very open but limited set of requirements.  It does not speak to qualifications or capability but the minimum requirements to be president.

Mr. Stephanopoulos asked the Congresswoman about Donald Trump’s eligibility to run for president. The matter concerns the 14th Amendment and the actions of Colorado and Maine to disallow Trump from having his name on the ballot.

Mr. Stephanopoulos asked Ms. Pelosi if she believed Trump was ineligible to be president.  Her response was vague and illusive, “They have different laws from state to state.”  He said, “It’s the Constitution.”  Her response revealed her disdain for that document, “That’s not the point; every state has different laws.” 

Yes, Ms. Pelosi, they do, but your party wants to allow convicted felons to vote but desires to strip Mr. Trump of that right, although he has been convicted of no felony.  That speaks of your true motive. You are not being supportive of the State’s Rights but advancing your agenda.  She also asserted that the states, not the voters, should decide. Ms. Pelosi, I believe that the states are representatives of the voters.

In all constitutional matters, states must have the voters’ approval to amend or change things constitutionally. She, like her counterparts on the Left, insists that keeping Trump off the ballot is necessary to protect our democracy. She fails to understand that we are not a direct democracy but a republic, another issue for another time. It is about power and control; they are willing to do anything to maintain that.

The repeated reference to January 6 events as a reason to disallow Trump to be on the ballot fails the Constitutional litmus test.  Trump appealed to the United States Supreme Court to overturn those rulings, and following the Constitution, they did. 

The Trump appeal rightly cited that the action by Colorado and Maine abrogated the authority and responsibility of the U.S. Congress.  The question of eligibility to serve as president of the United States is reserved for Congress, not state courts.   That is a powerful position from which they argued, and the SCOTUS seemed to agree.

If you dig back into the annals of recent history, you will remember that when the question of eligibility for John McCain, Barack Obama, and Ted Cruz arose, the SCOTUS consistently ruled eligibility determination was the purview of Congress, not the states or courts.

If we were to remain a free constitutional republic, the SCOTUS had to overturn the Colorado decision and stand with the U.S. Constitution.  I was concerned because, with the history of some of the ‘swing votes,’ I was not as confident as I would have liked to have been.   The Trump speech on January 6 is not a conviction or evidence of insurrection. 

Selena Zito observed, at the time, “The press takes Trump literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.”  The claim that Trump supporters at the Capitol bludgeoned a Capitol policeman to death was proven false.  He died of a stroke with no evidence of any head wounds.  The Leftists never retracted the fallacious spin, but documented proof reveals the incredible fabrication to advance a narrative.

In America, a constitutional republic with laws, Congress has the power to enforce the provisions of the 14th Amendment by appropriate legislation.  If you honestly examine the provisions and requirements of such action, it always guarantees due process and the right to vote.   Colorado and Maine took action to strip Donald J. Trump of due process and his supporters of the right to vote.  To remain a Constitutional Republic, that had to be struck down.

I am unconcerned whether you like Donald Trump or not; if you value the Constitution and want to keep America as a Constitutional Republic, you must oppose the actions like those of those two states.  It was totalitarian and despotic.  Someone said, “Not all insurrectionists wear furs and face paint; some wear black robes.”

With the actions of Colorado and Maine in mind, it opens a legitimate pathway to questioning the unconstitutional involvement of governmental agencies such as the Intelligence Community in our elections.  Former CIA intelligence analyst Dr. John Gentry highlighted that. 

Dr. Gentry gave some disturbing prognostications or warnings regarding the current political state of the INTEL Community.  He serves as a professor at Georgetown University.   Based on his experience, he asserted that he expected the INTEL community (Deep State) to reemerge as a significant player in the 2024 elections.  They view Trump as a threat to their status quo and position of power.

He expects them to engage in interference, propaganda, and manipulation of evidence and activities to sway the presidential election away from Donald Trump and the Republicans.  His view of the mindset of the powers within the INTEL Community is that they believe they are right and justified in thwarting the will of the “ignorant yahoos.” He was referring to us as being ‘yahoos” deemed ‘ignorant’ by the INTEL community powers.

C.S. Lewis wrote in The Abolition of Man in 1943, “We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise.  We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.  We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”   That is a vivid description of the political conditions in America. 

America, we were founded upon the principles of every person being created by God and, in that sense, equal.  We were founded to embrace and advance the reality that each of us has certain inalienable rights given to us by God, not the government.  We each are viewed as having the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  The Constitution was designed to protect those ideals.  Today, they have become so tarnished the Constitution is meaningless to many politicians and activists.  That must change!

It is time that we clean house in Washington and send to the White House someone who will value the Constitution and defend America.  We also need to turn our attention to the unelected bureaucrats who are so numerous they are almost as uncountable as the stars in the skies.  We must reduce the size and scope of the federal government and restore our Constitution to its rightful loft position as the Law of the Land.  We can.  The question is, will we?

God bless you, and God bless America!

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