To say our world is in a mess would be an understatement of understatement. Political, economic, social, racial, and alarmist issues are reaching catastrophic levels. The present state of affairs in America and the world indicates some dramatic upheavals on the horizon, with outbreaks of intensified violence and disruption. 

Our government seems to be an example of the patients running mental institutions in America.  We do not seem to be headed in a positive direction societally and appear to be drifting farther and farther from the solution toward chaos and destruction.  I believe we are living in what the Bible deems to be the “Last Days,” where conditions worsen exponentially almost daily. 

There are those on both sides of the political aisle or ideological position who are vitriolic in their verbalizations, creating an impossible chasm to bridge.  Both sides of the American political climate believe the other side is singularly the problem and evil to the core.  Evil people are involved in today’s political manipulations, but many are desirous of what they believe to be the best.  They may be misguided in their views and drinking from the watering trough of the manipulators rather than being evil in their hearts. 

If a person believes the rhetoric and diatribe being issued by the politicians, the media, and other outlets, they can quickly become part of the impasse rather than having an open mind willing to seek a solution.  If I believe you are the problem, your views are diabolical, and label you subhuman and demonic, it will be impossible to find any common ground to build a workable compromise or agreement. 

The problem is not government, although unbridled government is a problem.  The problem is not liberals or conservatives, although fringe elements of both sides can be problematic.  The problem is not racism, although bias, prejudice, injustice, and hate are a problem. 

The problem is not legislation or the lack thereof. However, much legislation presents problems that are not easy to overcome in the pursuit of the ideals of the Constitution and our Declaration of Independence.  Namely, everyone is created equal in the eyes of God and has the inalienable right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. 

The problem, in my view, and that of the Bible, is the Human Heart.  We are all, regardless of our ethnicity, religion, or political position, created in the image of God.  God created us.  If you disbelieve that, we will have little room to discuss this matter with objectivity.   If you believe it is all random chance and evolutionary, we are grounded in polar opposite views.  However, even then, if you are objective, you can see that the human will and heart are major factors in all interpersonal activities.

No amount of legislation can fix the issues of race, gender, politics, or religion.  Everything stems from the condition of the human heart.  It is from the heart that we form our views of everything.  We develop thoughts from within our innermost beings, and from those thoughts, we formulate our beliefs and views.  It is from our beliefs and views that we interact with each other. 

The words of John Adams ring true today, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”  The Bible is filled with references regarding interpersonal relationships, and the overriding directive is that we treat others as we wish to be treated.  We are repeatedly reminded that any measure of judgment we engage in is used to judge us.  The biblical message is love and respect.

The Bible is filled with references as to how we are to live and interact with others.  In Micah 6:8, we read, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”  That is a simple but powerful declaration. 

What does God want, and what is required for humans to live together in any semblance of harmony?  We are to do justice.  We should be careful in defining what that means and not allow it to be tainted by our worldview or interracial view.  Justice for some is getting what they want and punishing anyone who disagrees.  That is not God’s view of justice. 

God’s view is to do what is right all the time, every time. It is to treat others as fellow humans created in God’s image and afforded the God-given right to Life, Liberty, and the ability to pursue Happiness freely and unimpeded by man-made imposed restrictions that block that objective.

What does God want, and what is required for humans to live together in any semblance of harmony?  We are to love kindness.  That is amazing because kindness is to demonstrate restraint, not be harmful, not be controlling, not be domineering, and seek the best good for all.  Kindness is the heart of God, and His Lovingkindness is eternal; therefore, if God is kind toward us, we should be kind toward others. 

What does God want, and what is required for humans to live together in any semblance of harmony?  We are to walk humbly before God.  That strips pride from the equation and eliminates arrogance.  It removes biases, prejudices, and selfishness.  It strips us of the ability to view ourselves as victims even when victimized.  It demands that we view life through the lens of God first and others second.  It requires that we view life through the heart of service rather than what’s in it for me. 

So, let me possibly alienate some and step onto the thin ice of biblical reality and say if you are hurling insult for insult regardless of which side of the political equation you are standing – That is a problem, not a Solution!  It reveals a problem in the heart. 

If I view you as God’s creation and understand that you have the same inalienable and constitutional rights as I do to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, there is hope.  If I give you tit for tat in insult and vitriolic response, I build a wall, not a bridge, and the hope of harmony disappears.  If we call each other Demon-rats or Re-pukelicans [words I have heard], we will find no ground on which to stand to bring about a livable and peaceful society. 

We can either have total chaos, plunge into civil disturbance, or war and demonize everyone disagreeing with us, or we can seek to become solutions rather than problems. 

  • I do not condone views contrary to the Bible, such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and immorality. 
  • I do not condone nor am willing to allow the federal government to become totalitarian and strip me of the rights and liberties God has given me. 
  • However, I seek to view others as human beings endowed with certain inalienable rights and understand that there is hope if we can all be civil, just, kind, and humble ourselves before God. 

I hope that what I have said is meaningful. Although I have painted with a broad brush, I hope you consider the matter of the Heart. If we get our hearts right, we will be less concerned with political labels and more concerned about what is good, godly, and right. Just because you or I believe our cause is the right cause does not mean that all who disagree are evil.

Some are evil and seek total control by eliminating God and moral rightness. Those must be opposed and resisted. I only ask that we all seek God, accept the possibility that we could be wrong in attitude and ideology in some instances, and seek to treat others as we desire to be treated.

I love God and America and am praying for America, the world, and God’s Harvest to be Completed.  Heaven is sounding sweeter all the time!

God bless you, and God bless America!

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