Yes, I said terminal illness, and that will not be received well by some, but it is what I see and hear in my heart of hearts.  The terminality of which I speak does not mean that America cannot be healed and revived. Instead, it means that America cannot and will not survive if we continue on our path. 

I have spoken for years about some things that could cause America to exit the stage of World Superpower and become more of a follower nation than a leader.   Again, I am bullish on America and patriotic to my core, so do not assume that I am folding my tent and washing my hands of this Republic.  I will fight for her as long as I draw breath.  That is absolute!   Yet, I see the signs of terminal illness in our nation. 

When a nation abandons God’s Word, His Righteousness, and Moral Rightness, as we are witnessing in America today, trouble is unavoidable.  The sacrifices to our modern Baal in abortion reveal a moral breakdown that produces death, not life.  The political correctness, the woke mentality, the cancel culture, the insistence on ethnic wars, and the assault on the Bible, Christianity, the home, and marriage reflect a mental, moral, and spiritual condition that can only lead to decline, declension, and judgment.

The endorsement by this administration regarding biological males competing in women’s sports is not an example of inclusiveness but the expulsion of reason and sanity.  It is an insult to the Bible and God Himself.  It reflects a condition of heart and mind that dates back to the fall of Lucifer from Heaven and man’s repeated failures throughout history.  That is only one of a myriad of issues that the Left is pursuing a path that is anti-biblical.

We are witnessing a purge in our military, and the prime target seems to be skin color and gender.  No, it is not an assault on minorities but a demand that all white males acknowledge the fallacious and fictitious white privilege. 

The push in the business world, education, the military, and even in the church for those whose skin pigmentation identifies them as Caucasian to fall on their faces in repentance at the altar of Woke-ness and Political Correctness.  It includes the idea of reparation for someone’s sin in the past by anyone resembling those who committed those sins.  That speaks of an illness that can only lead to destruction, thereby qualifying to be deemed terminal.

Who do I blame for the condition that exists? Although politicians are blameworthy, I do not lay the blame solely at their feet.  The pursuit of their ideological agendas and the quest for power are inherent in the beast.  It is who they are, so we should not be surprised when they violate the constitution and our wishes in the pursuit of their inclusion in the pinnacle of power.

I do not blame the activists, although they are worthy of their share of the blame.  However, like the politicians, they are blinded by their rabid ideological positions and driven to destroy everything, not their beliefs.  It seems they honestly believe they are right and everyone else is wrong and, therefore, have a mandate to vilify and destroy everything and everyone who opposes them.  I do not justify their antics or activities but insist they are not the reason for our condition.

I do not blame the anti-religious, the atheist, the agnostics, and those who do not follow, believe, or accept the precepts of the Bible.  They are assuredly part of the problem and share the blame, but they are not the reason for our decline.  They have perpetuated and enhanced it but are a symptom, not the root cause.

Who do I blame?  I blame the followers of the Bible, the preachers, the prophets, and those who identify as Christians.  Yes, that includes me, for I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, believe the Bible IS the word of God, and am inspired. I have preached the gospel for over 50 years.  How is it our fault that we are in the condition we are in?  How can I blame the followers of the Judeo-Christian faith for our terminal condition?

I say it because we slumbered and followed the easy road when we should have been watchmen on the walls and sounding the alarm.  We allowed the educational system to be hijacked by ideological activists who were not advocates of moral rightness, the Constitution, our American system of Republican Representative Government, and the Free Market. 

We allowed politicians to strip us of our liberties, infringe upon our inalienable rights, and impose restrictions on matters of morality and religion beyond their legal, moral, and constitutional boundaries.  We sat in silence, fat, happy, unaffected, and lazy, and they stole our nation.

We adopted the mistaken idea that our Founders and the Framers of the American Constitution wanted everything related to God, Religion, and the Church removed from Government.  The phrase ‘separation of church and state’ became the guide, and many preachers and churches were silenced by belief or intimidation. The foxes were allowed to guard and ravage the hen house – America! 

We became complacent, and some became more concerned with the ‘Man of Sin’ (Antichrist) identity than the ‘Sin of Man’ (Condition of Hearts).  Some adopted the view that faith was personal and our lives were compartmentalized.  We have our religious lives, our home lives, our business lives, and our political lives.  I have often said, “We are not cats; we do not have nine lives – WE HAVE A LIFE!”  All the facets of our lives reflect who we are.

America is in a dire state today, and with the direction we are headed in, we will soon see an economic collapse that will remove America from the world stage as a superpower.  With over $34 Trillion in debt, not to mention the unsecured debt in the $100s of Trillion, our condition is terminal. 

The fallacious idea that stimulus checks and blind spending will alleviate the problem is misguided, if not sinister.  The stimulus boondoggle resulted in people on death row without families receiving checks.  That is beyond nonsensical; it is diabolical.  Money does not grow on trees, and we are insanely spending money. We do not have to fix a problem that spending has caused.

The draconian and tyrannical actions of some political figures during the COVID pandemic revealed the fragile nature of our freedoms.  The alarming silence and willing compliance of the public reveal the fruit of the labors of decades of brainwashing and reeducating the masses.  That suggests the existence of a disease or condition that is terminal.  I hesitate to go to great length, but I must mention a few things that could easily render America an afterthought on the world stage.

If we were to have a massive war, and with the current purge and revamping of our military, we might not survive an assault.  An EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) would render America or any nation defenseless in great measure.  The aforementioned economic collapse would render us incapable of contending or competing on the world stage and propel us to the back burner on the stove of world economics and power. 

The Scottish historian and professor Alexander Tytler wrote in 1787: “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government.  It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse [generous gifts] from the public treasury.  From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been two hundred years.  These nations have progressed through this sequence:  Bondage to Spiritual Faith > Spiritual Faith to Great Courage> Courage to Liberty > Liberty to Abundance > Abundance to Complacency > Complacency to Apathy > Apathy to Dependence > and Dependence back into Bondage.” 

I would be remiss if I did not include another prediction that came from Thomas Babington Macaulay, who predicted in various forms in letters and writings to Jefferson and others: “…your republic will be as fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the twentieth Century as the Roman Empire was in the fifth;—with this difference, that the Huns and Vandals who ravaged the Roman Empire came from without, and that your Huns and Vandals will have been engendered within your own country by your own institutions.”

A moral collapse demands divine judgment, and judgment is not always direct. It would be the removal of God’s protective hand, allowing the hordes to impose their will on society and render the nation powerless and ineffective. If we are not already there, we are headed in that direction.

I believe that America can be revived. Although we may not be a major player in the end times as a superpower, we can be a superpower spiritually, impact the world for the Kingdom of God, and thereby see multitudes preserved and rescued from earthly and eternal destruction. 

My views are mine, and I believe they are born from what I am hearing in my spirit.  I have much more to say but have gone too long now.  I pray that you will join me and multitudes like me in intercessory prayer.  Believers and lovers of Freedom, let us accept our responsibility for the condition, repent, and become involved in restoration, not just politics and name-calling. I urge everyone to begin interceding for America and the world so that we can turn back to God.

God bless you, and God bless America!

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